Defeat Diabetes

What-Can-You-Do-To-Prevent-Diabetes-Type-2-Naturally-–-5-BEST-WAYSThis April, Defeat Diabetes Month is being observed, with the goal to put an end to this disease once and for all. Eating healthy and regulating your blood sugar are both important factors in reducing your risk for developing diabetes. Here’s some tips to get you in the know.

Good nutrition is key to a healthy lifestyle, but with all the information out there, it can be overwhelming. Start small and make one or two healthy changes at a time to make lifestyle changes in your eating habits.

Exercise Exercise Exercise! Move! Go for a short walk to get yourself started. Walk around your office at lunchtime. Be brave and sign up for a fun exercise class at your local gym. Or be really brave and sign up for a 5K run later this year and start training for it now! Exercise not only helps to lose weight and lower blood pressure, but it just makes you feel good!

Check your blood sugar levels now. Know what they are and what they should be. You can lower your blood sugar levels by making a few changes today

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